15 pcs Chakra Crystal Healing Kit
Includes: 7 Chakra crystal tumbles, 7 Chakra Smudge Sprays, 1 Crystal Quartz Pendulum
All items sold separately
7 crystal stone set Stones $29.99
Chakra smudge sprays $14.99 each
Crystal Pendulum $24.99 each
Gift set discount price $USD 108.00
Our chakra smudge spray kit is for Cleansing and Clearing your energy centers with a proprietary blend of essential oils in a 2 oz. Liquid Blend Alternative To Incense. They are all made by hand with loving thoughts and prayerful intentions
Our Chakra Healing stones are for mind, body and spirit and may be used to bring balance back to your auric field.
Chakra stones correspond to the seven vital Chakra points on the body
Root: Red Jasper
Red Jasper is associated with the Root Chakra and assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and diseases. As it is both energizing and activating it is good for stimulating the circulation and the energy flow. Red Jasper activates the Base Chakra and stimulates the rise of the kundalini energy throughout the chakras, cleansing and strengthening the aura. It is a stone of passion, useful for restoring and rejuvenating the libido, and in manifesting creative ideas
Sacral: Orange Carnelian
Ancient Egyptians regarded the carnelian as a sunset enclosed in stone and called it ‘the setting sun’. Carnelian will help ground you and anchor you to reality
Solar Plexus: Golden Quartz
Golden Quartz is a high-vibration crystal and a master healer, just like Gold. It will raise your vibrations, amplify your intentions, and release any blockages that are present in your body and in your life.
Heart: Green Aventurine
In Ancient Chinese culture, aventurine was the sacred stone of Kuan - Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion. Its connection with nature and spring will help you feel an awakening to nature that will quickly improve your psychic health and strength. Aventurine stones have a very soothing energy, which is highly beneficial to those suffering from anxiety, fear, or restlessness.
Throat: Blue Sodalite
Sodalite is known as the Poet’s Stone because it can help you express all the things that you want to say in the best way possible. It’s an effective stone to end arguments or disagreements.
Brow: Amethyst
Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. It is also used to eliminate impatience. Amethyst is one of relatively few gemstones with the specific purpose of improving intellectual and cerebral thought
Crown: Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies
These chakra stones may be used to balance your chakras as needed. It is a beautiful way to enhance your healing, energetic cleansing, crystal grids.
Chakras can become unbalanced, unaligned, and even closed for a number of reasons, mostly the result of daily stress, environmental pollutants, and any emotional or physical trauma. When left unbalanced, we begin to see physiological ailments in our subtle bodies(i.e.,aches/pains, lethargy, depression/anxiety, insomnia). Chakra stones and healing crystals are a great way to realign and balance our energy systems while ridding any residual disharmony we may have collected along our paths.
About your Chakra centers:
Red - Root Chakra
Survival, Fear (gonads)
Orange - Sacral Chakra
Sex & reproduction, Guilt (adrenals)
Yellow - Solar Plexus Chakra
Life purpose. Sun (pancreas)
Green - Heart Chakra:
Balance between Heaven & Earth (thymus)
Blue - Throat Chakra:
Speak your truth (thyroid)
Violet - 3rd Eye Chakra:
Intuition. Open your Mind (pineal)
Crystal - Crown Chakra.
Connection to God (pituitary - hypothalamus complex).